Tourism subsidy

Tourism is one of the most affected segments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic decided to help this segment in the form of a subsidy to cover part of the fixed costs. This subsidy applies not only to travel agencies or tourist centres, but also to areas of business which are closely linked to tourism, such as restaurants, museums, transport and others. A budget of €100,000,000 from the state budget was planned to support businesses in the tourism sector in the context of COVID-19.

The objective of the subsidy is to cover part of the fixed costs of all companies doing business in the field of tourism.

Who can apply for a subsidy

  • Natural person — entrepreneur
  • Legal entity — entrepreneur
  • Legal person – non-business person who carries out an economic activity (civil association)

Only an entity that carries out economic activity in selected categories (SK NACE Rev. 2.)

This authorized economic activity does not have to be registered in the Register of Organizations kept by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic as the main economic activity.

The applicant must carry out the authorised economic activity in accordance with what is stated in the commercial or trade register.

Conditions for drawing on the rent subsidy

  • The applicant started its economic activity no later than 31.03.2020 inclusive.
  • The applicant reported a decrease in net turnover in the reference period as a result of measures of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic by 40% or more.
  • The applicant is not bankrupt, is being wound up in restructuring and must not be subject to insolvency proceedings.
  • The applicant does not have a final penalty of non-granting.
  • The applicant has not violated the prohibition of illegal employment in the previous three years.
  • The applicant has fulfilled all the levy obligations towards the social and health insurance company.
  • Recovery of the aid shall not be claimed against the applicant following a decision of the European Commission.
  • The applicant shall not apply for or draw on funds for the same purpose.
  • The applicant has settled financial liabilities with the state budget (taxes).

The conditions must be met cumulatively. By signing the declaration on oath forming part of the aid application, the applicant shall agree to comply with the above. Compliance with the conditions may be subject to follow-up checks.

What a decrease in net turnover means and how to calculate it

What does net turnover mean?

Net turnover includes revenue generated from the sale of goods, goods and services less discounts. Net turnover also includes other income less discounts of the entity whose business is to achieve revenue other than revenue from the sale of goods, goods and services.*

* § 15 of Act No. 431/2002 Z.z. on Accounting, as amended

What is a reference period?

The reference period is for the purposes of the subsidy from 01.04.2020-31.12.2021. However, the amount of the decrease in turnover is compared for the individual months for which the applicant is applying for a subsidy.

How to calculate the decrease in net turnover?

  1. An enterprise that has created or started operating an economic activity by 31.03.2019inclusive compares the relevant month 2020 and 2021 respectively with the same month of 2019 (e.g. January 2019 with January 2021). If the enterprise was created between 01.02.2019 and 31.03.2019, it shall use the average of the months from 01.04.2019 to 31.12.2019.
  2. An enterprise that has created or commed an economic activity between 01.04.2019 and 31.12.2019 compares the relevant month 2020 and 2021 respectively with the same month of 2019 (e.g. April 2019 with April 2020). If the enterprise does not have data because it has not yet carried out the activity, it compares the month 2020 and 2021 respectively with the average for the period from 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2020.
  3.  An enterprise that has created or commed an economic activity between 01.01.2020 and 31.03.2020 compares the relevant month 2020 and 2021 respectively with the average from 01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020. The average is calculated as the sum of net turnovers /number of months.
    For the purposes of granting the subsidy, the applicant is entitled to apply for all eligible economic activities which he carries out, but is obliged to ensure that expenditure and revenues are tracked in such a way that the subsidy is not granted for that part of the economic activities which is not eligible.

To what extent can a subsidy be claimed

The subsidy is granted in the amount of 1.44-10% of the net turnover in the reference period.

The maximum total amount of the subsidy per undertaking may not exceed:

  • Undertaking carrying out road haulage operations for hire or payment of EUR 100 000
  • Enterprises operating in other sectors EUR 200 000

All grants to an enterprise may not exceed EUR 200 000 during the current fiscal period and the two preceding ones.

The amount of subsidies already drawn can be verified on the website of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic.

Subsidy Amount Calculator

turnover 2019 -
turnover 2020 -
% of fixed costs -
Amount of contribution: (1-(turnover2020/turnover2019)*%fix*turnover2019

The Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic fixed the ratio of fixed costs to the amount of total net turnover as follows:

  • Travel agents 6%
  • Travel agencies 3.6%
  • Other activities 10%

Tourist information centres shall have a specific calculation. For the calculation of the contribution, please contact us.

For what period can a subsidy be claimed

The subsidy is requested for the period from 01.04.2020 to 31.12.2021.

Method of submitting the application

The application shall be submitted exclusively electronically via the

Application for a financial contribution for pods in the tourism sector

In order to access the it is necessary to have an ID card with a chip that is activated for electronic use.

By when you need to submit a subsidy request

Applications for a financial contribution may be submitted from 15.12.2020 to 31.12.2021.

When the subsidy will be granted

A ministry official has 30days to process an electronically sent request . Processing shall include a check that the conditions and all formalities of the application have been met. In the event that a non-compliance with any of the conditions is found or the data are not complete, the applicant shall be notified.

Mgr. Dominika Ružičková Kubišová, MBA
Author of the article
Assistant tax advisor and accountant active in the field of taxation and subsidies.  She graduated from the Academy of Economics and Management in Bratislava with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. She completed her studies at the European School of Business & Management in Prague with a focus on corporate business. He speaks fluent English.

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